3 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Sir, my name is Donald Rutledge I heard you on the Doc Greene radio show, would you be interested in being a guest on John B Wells “Caravan To Midnight Show,” I listen to his show also, I don’t charge nothing since I’m a retired combat soldier, I would like to recommend it to his crew, thank you sir


    • Hello Mr. Rutledge. Thank you for your encouraging note and invitation. Before I accept your invitation, let me do some research into John and his program first. I’m not familiar with him. By listening to my program with Doc, you know what I’m all about, both as a news journalist and an end-time Bible prophecy commentator. I’m not interested in going on a program that would make a show of my “agenda.” If you feel that John would show due respect to a Christian journalist who addresses legitimate, viable world trends that are fulfilling ancient prophecies, then we can talk about that opportunity. If you want to see and hear more, let me point you to my Channel on YouTube — http://www.tinyurl.com/RevFileTVKBN. Let me know what you think. Thanks again. Let’s see how the Lord leads in this.


  2. A little over a year ago, I came across Mr. Wood’s teachings on YouTube. Since that time, I feel I have grown as a man, as a person, most importantly as a Christian. Listening and learning from Wally has taught me to be humble, to put the needs of others ahead of mine, and to walk in faith and recognize that all is accomplished and all obstacles defeated through the Lord. We are near the time of prophecy as foretold in the Book Of Revelations, and we must be prepared! God bless your ministry, and may God continue to bless you and your family with the strength to get the Message of preparedness out to us all. Thanks!

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